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The purpose of the Employment Equity Act # 55 of 1998 is to implement measures that strive to achieve the demographics of the EAP (Economically Active Population) of South Africa across your work force profile. This is required not only as the total number of employees but also within each occupational category from senior management to unskilled employees.




This Act does not apply to members of the National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency, the South African Secret Service, or the South African National Academy of Intelligence.




There are two guiding factors to ascertain whether a entity is required to comply:

 1. Entities that employ 50 or more staff members are required to comply with the employment equity Act.

2. If less than 50 employees but exceed the annual turnover threshold for your particular industry.

(See EE Turnover Threshold - table below)




For entities that must comply with the EE Act, it can be an onerous and a costly task.

Unpacking the EE Act there are many requirements that must be adhered to and BCH has both baseline and complete compliance solutions.


We recommend complete compliance is implemented, as DoL inspectors do conduct random site visits where EE compliance is reviewed and if not in place nor properly conducted the entity will receive a prohibition notice with a possible fine and or imprisonment.

(See EE Fine Schedule - table below)

Our Solutions


We recommend this option when starting the employment equity process.



This option is recommended to comply fully and ensure approval from DoL inspectors.


EE Baseline Solution
EE Complete Solution

Other EE Solutions



- Submission of reports to DoL

- EE Committee Training

- EE Committee Chairing

- EE File & Products

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More EE Information

Employment Equity encompasses many options that can be customised to our clients needs and many legal requirements in order to adhere to.


Employment Equity applies and integrates with not only its own Act but also the SD (Skills Development) Act, B-BBEE (Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment) Act & OHS (Occupational Health & Safety) Act.


This is why BCH together with our umbrella solution provides you a complete compliance coverage and is the right choice for your entity.


For more information and tailored solutions, please send us a contact form below and remember to subscribe in order to receive the latest industry requirements and our latest and greatest promotions.

Contact us

For further information regarding your Equity Compliance requirements or for a consultation meeting,

please send us your query or request.

Thank you.


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